Sunday, October 01, 2006

SNL is no Studio 60

Maybe I'm spoiled by the great writing behind the scenes at NBC's other late night show, STUDIO 60, or maybe SNL just isn't funny.

I'm betting on the latter.

The show is beautiful in Hi-Def, but it's just not funny.

After watching how the fictional STUDIO 60 crew busted their collective humps to come up with a brilliant cold open for their season opener, SNL's retread of yet another 'President Bush is dumb' sketch paled in comparison.

Dane Cook's monologue - not funny. How did this guy become so popular if this is his best stuff?

Many in the industry speculated that SNL would get increased sampling because of the presence of STUDIO 60. It probably did. I haven't seen any numbers, but it's why I checked in.

It's also why I checked out.

Maybe Aaron Sorkin should send over some of his show's rejected sketches.

Put a fork in SNL. It's done.

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